Connecting Catholic Theology Worldwide
Members of INSeCT form a network of Catholic thought leaders worldwide
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Our Vision
The Goal of the INSeCT Network is to foster academic theology and theological research in various continents through communication among the member societies, particularly concerning information about projects and works in progress, the result of academic research, and theological congresses, conventions and meetings; encouragement of research within the theological disciplines and stimulation of interdisciplinary work in the interest of academic theology; an ecumenical orientation and dialogue with other religions and world views.
Our Goals
INSeCT, by means of its global research projects, its publications, its website and its assemblies, is committed to the following goals:
Support the development and growth of societies of Catholic theology around the world and facilitate the bilateral and multilateral collaboration of these societies.
Improve intercultural communication and collaboration with member societies of Catholic theology as well as with theologians in those regions of the world where there are no societies in existence;
Make more information available about the state of Catholic theology in the various local, regional, and national contexts around the world about specific research projects, theological congresses, and conventions.
Respond to challenges faced by Catholics and faced by all global communities
of Societies
for Catholic
Collaborating on the future of Catholic
At a time when the Catholic Church is ever more inter-linked globally, INSeCT strives to build connections, encourage interaction between the many differing collective organisations around the world that focus on Catholic Theology, so as to contribute to a sound theological understanding of the social, cultural and political challenges facing the world.
Our Mission
INSeCT’s Mission statement stands for a view of Catholic theology that fosters:
The pastoral mission of the church
Theology’s ministry to serve church and society,
Collaboration among those working in all theological disciplines,
Interdisciplinary theological inquiry into the natural and human sciences, &
Ecumenical and interfaith dialogue.