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2008: Council Meeting

Network Council Meeting Chicago 2008

International Colloquium: “The theological Challenge of Intercultural Relations in Age of Globalization”

The Second Triennial Colloquium of INSeCT was hosted by DePaul University, Chicago from June 19-21. Twenty-six representatives of member societies from six continents and twenty countries were able to attend. The topic for this colloquium had been decided following a broad consultation of member societies where globalization was frequently identified as one of the signs of the times, including questions relating to intercultural relations, the migration of peoples, fundamentalism and relativism, secularization, detraditionalization and the loss of identity, and growing concerns for ecology and the care of the earth. The scale of these many issues is contributing to a loss of the sense of agency and a growing gap between rich and poor. (…)


Group Picture


The new elected Steering Committee: Afonso Soares, Cahterine Clifford (President), Jan Jans


Keynote Speaker Robert Schreiter



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